Greetings! I was inspired to start this site when I realized that I spend a good portion of my day explaining complicated things to “regular” people; people that are just trying to use technology to accomplish their tasks. The topics began to repeat themselves. In an effort to save time, I started to write explanatory documents that could be quickly distributed. That is what I plan to continue here. Allow me to introduce myself!
In my personal tech life, I’ve sometimes been described as an “Apple Freak.” I enjoy the walled garden—15″ MacBook Pro, 12.9″ iPad Pro, Apple Watch, iPhone [latest] Plus. That’s not to imply I’m closed-minded. In my 9-5 job, it’s mainly a Windows world. I’m a part of a team that manages and maintains many Windows servers, thousands of Windows desktops, hundreds of thin clients, tens of iPads, and many, many printers. As complicated as all of that sounds, the hardest part is communication. Conveying a clear, honest message to someone is the key component. Good communication can leave the explainee feeling confident and more knowledgeable than 10 minutes ago. Anything less generally leads to frustration.
So that is my mission: to help people by providing the information they need. And right now, my Apple Watch is trying to give me a very clear message.